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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Teasing and buck rags

Keywords: caprine, goat, teasing, breeding, estrus

As shown here, a 'buck rag" can be used to assist in estrous detection. These rags are made by rubbing a rag over the cornual glands caudo-medial to the horns of a male goat. These rags are highly odoriferous and should be stored in sealed jars ('buck jars").

Figure 1. The use of a "Buck-rag" for estrous detection in a doe. Note that the doe shows interest and wags her tail rapidly (black arrow) when the buck-rag is presented to her. After this first sign of interest, rump pressure can be applied (see insert). If the doe remains stationary during rump pressure, it is likely that she will be receptive to a male i.e. in estrus. Image size: 1218 x 1036 px.

Some care must be exercised  when interpreting behavior with a buck rag test because of  the naturally inquisitive nature of goats.

Does can be inseminated once, 12 to 24 hours after the onset of standing estrus. However, two inseminations at 12 and 24 hours will give better results. Pregnancy rates should exceed 60%.